
Showing posts from January, 2023

54. Solar and Farming: Yes, They're Dating!

  Solar and Farming: Yes, They're Dating! There is a new, budding romance on the Energy Transition horizon - one between photovoltaics (solar panels) and agriculture (both crops and livestock). It’s further along in some other countries than in the U.S. - some foreign “Agri-voltaic” couples appear to be well on their way to a long-term commitment that could soon bear abundant fruit - as it were. In fact, as in some of the best relationships we know, the pairing of solar panels and farming can be mutually beneficial, sometimes allowing them to “be their best selves” and to produce more together than they could separately.  Agriculture is estimated to be responsible for roughly 30% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions, so finding ways of reducing its energy and water consumption would be helpful for our future. Evidence is mounting that growing certain crops in the partial shade of photovoltaic panels can result in equal or enhanced crop yields, increase the efficiency of the...