49. The Lens We Look Through
The Lens We Look Through We recently received a “newspaper” in the mail, unsolicited, called The Epoch Times, subtitled “Truth & Tradition.” Despite the opportunity for 70% off our first subscription, we’ll probably have to decline. Somehow, even the entertainment value of the ominous-toned article,“UN Education Agency Launches War On Conspiracy Theories” can’t tempt us to subscribe. The paper, of course, reflects the full panoply of far right extremist “views,” more like dogma really, among which we can count fossil fuel propaganda and global warming denial. One newspaper should probably not distress us to any great degree, even though its content and point of view are biased to the point of relying almost completely on mis-information and outright lies for content…Or should it actually bother us a lot? What if this paper is just one small lens-piece in the misinformation kaleidoscope through which many people view the world? A kaleidoscope consisting of social media, FOX Ne...