32. Energy Matters Index (ala Harper's Index)
ENERGY MATTERS INDEX ( with apologies to Harper's Index ) Current total number of U.S. jobs in the fossil fuel industries (coal, oil, gas) : 200,000 Current total number of U.S. jobs in the solar and wind power : 450,000 Potential number in the wind and solar as fossil energy is phased out : 1,000,000+ Annual sustainable energy from one acre of corn ethanol : 3.1 MWh (140 gallons) Annual sustainable energy from one acre of trees : 6 MWh (1 cord) Annual sustainable energy from one acre of wind power : 200 MWh Annual sustainable energy from one acre of photovoltaics : 800MWh Miles that an acre of corn ethanol could move a typical small SUV in a year : 2,500 Miles that an acre of photovoltaics could move an electric car in a year : 2,000,000 Minimum acres of farmland to supply biofuel to one jumbo jet for a year : 65,000 (100 sq.mi.) Median grams of CO2 produced per kilowatt-hour of electricity at a coal fired power plant : 950 At a natural gas fired plant :...