7. Is the Answer Blowin’ in the Wind?
Is the Answer Blowin’ in the Wind? To some, industrial wind power is as puzzling as the Bob Dylan song proclaiming that “the answer is blowin’ in the wind,” an answer which basically inspires more questions - such as, does it even make sense? Likewise, why do they build these giant towers hundreds of feet tall and then stick thin, sparse blades up there that seem to turn sluggishly? Why are wind turbines so different from those little windmills on the miniature golf course that spin busily in the breeze? How is it worth it to spread them out on scenic hilltops when you could put them in less noticeable places? Why don’t they at least put them closer together? The answers, my friend…Well, here are a few of them anyway. First, those blades. Why are there only three seemingly thin blades rotating so slowly? Actually the tips of the blades are moving quite fast. They seem slow because they are so large. Their typical rotation is about 20 revolutions per minute ...